This has been a good week for me. I've managed to get three photographs that I've wanted for a long time...
This is an image I've tried to capture several times and failed due to weather conditions, gear failure and my own nerve.
I've become pretty used to being outdoors in the darkness by myself. I've only been spooked once before and it was here. It's been this reason that I've put off going back.
Nothing specific reason to speak of, It's just a very creepy place to be. Partly because it is so exposed to the elements but also because it is a place with a history of heroic bravery, tragedy and strife.
I psyched myself up and decided to get right down to the bottom and just go for it. After about an hour of my own mind playing tricks on me, I came back with this photograph.
This is a signed, limited edition photographic print available on 260gsm A4 or A3+ sized paper with a luster finish. There will only be 150 signed editions available at each size.
All limited edition prints come with a signed certificate of authenticity detailing the edition number, date created, materials used, artists details and signature.
The photograph will be sized to fit the paper and will contain white bars on two edges. This is done so as not to crop the image. If you wish to have the photograph cropped to fill the paper, please specify this whilst ordering.
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